Getting Started:
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Getting Started with your Account:
Scroll down to learn more about how to interact with your new File Archive System and gain helpful tips on how to organize your data in our simplistic dashboard.
My File Archives (Main Screen)
This is where you can view, manage, search, upload, and download all your archives consisting of individual and bulk files on the blockchain.
Drag and drop the file or files you wish to archive onto the blockchain. Remember that blockchain technology is unable to pull a single file out of a bulk upload. Separate files you wish to access regularly.
Upload Tip: When you upload multiple files, they will be uploaded to the blockchain as an archived bundle. To recall an individual file in the future, the entire bundle must be recalled to obtain the individual file.
Naming Tip: For easy organization and recall, name your archived bundle something that represents all the files inside it. (ie Contracts from 2021, 2021 Tax Returns, etc). This is important later for when you want to recall your files. Remember, you can search for bundle names, but blockchain technology limits searching individual files within each bundle.
Drag & Drop Your Files
To upload files, click the blue box to browse files to upload from your desktop, or simply drag and drop files onto the screen. Once all your files have been added, press the “Upload” button to begin sending your files to the blockchain.
Recall (Download)
This is where you can recall, or download, your file archives.
Files, when recalled, will be downloaded as one .zip file. If there were multiple individual files bundled together during upload, all files will be recalled together.
Reminder: If you need to recall one file from a bundle, you will need to retrieve the entire bundle to access the single file.
Search Archive Name
The Archive Name Search Bar allows you to search the file archives you named and created.
Reminder: Blockchain technology is unable to search within a bulk archive as all included files are shredded and scattered as a group.
Blockchain Transactions
This page provides proof of your archive file uploads and downloads. It maintains a clear chain of custody of your file activity to ensure confirmation for re-regulation should your respective industry or management require this detail in the event of a ransomware attack.
Support Page & FAQs
This is where you can find answers to frequently asked questions and/or where to contact us directly.
Settings Page
Here you can upgrade your account and manage account preferences, including email, password and payment preference.
Tutorial Page
This helpful hints video break down the steps to take when uploading files. It can be accessed any time by clicking the (?) icon at the top menu next to the gear (settings) icon.