What Would You Consider Critical Data?

3 Questions To Determine The Assets To Lock Away In A Digital Vault

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, it’s just not possible for businesses to lock away every file in case of a security breach. There are documents, customer lists, videos, graphics we need to protect, and others we need to access daily. The double blockchain security of Sollensium provided by Sollensys works in coordination with cloud storage tools so that you have a place to work on files daily and a place to store files safely.

But how do you know what data to keep handy and what to send to a blockchain security vault? The answers to the following questions will help you determine your critical data. 

Think About Business AND Personal Assets
It’s now more important than ever to know the value of your data. When answering these questions, you will identify what’s critical to protect both your work and personal digital property. While valuable for different reasons, each can be distressing if lost to cybercriminals.   

Now get out a pen or open your note-taking app and jot down the answers to these questions in two columns: Business Critical Data and Personal Critical Data

Question #1
What Documents, Images, Videos Would Take Significant Time, Or Be Impossible, To Recreate If Stolen? 

First, list the assets that are imperative to your business operations. Critical data for businesses is what company leaders deem essential for success or the information that must be retained for regulatory purposes. Typical examples of essential data include customer information (especially personal details covered by data-protection laws*), employee files, and data concerning vendors or business partners. Critical data varies by industry, so any conversation to identify these assets must include the department heads on your team. 

Next, list the files most valuable to you personally. These files are the things you cannot replace or would have to go through considerable measures to be reissued a copy. The video of your baby’s first steps or the title to your house are prime examples. 

Question #2
What Files Do You Need To Access Daily? 

The Sollensys Blockchain Archive ServerTM (BAS) is not meant for the daily back and forth transfer of files. It’s a digital highway to Sollensium, a data vault that should only be opened during major life events like the sale of a business or death of an immediate family member.

The purpose here is to determine your “active” data from your “resting” data. After listing the things you cannot lose as instructed above, go through that list to highlight anything you, your team, or your family regularly access. These active items should be kept in your cloud storage with quarterly or monthly backups archived in the vault. In the event of a cybercriminal revoking access to your cloud files, you will be able to safely recover a clean recent copy of anything lost. Think of it this way, archive what you need and love in the vault and send periodic backup copies to the vault of what you must work on daily. 

Question #3
If Suddenly Missing, What Files Would Cause You Such Grief That You Might Pay Hackers Significant Ransoms To Retrieve In A Moment Of Emotional Blindness? 

It’s easy to overlook an item that seems unimportant because you trust that it will always be where you saved it. However, it’s often not until we lose something that we wish we had done more to secure it. 

What if your supply chain info was gone?
What if your distribution routes were gone?
What if the song you wrote was gone?
What if the video of your wedding was gone? 

You might say you would never give money to malicious hackers, but imagine your data and system access were suddenly revoked. What would you do to get it all back?

Cybersecurity Built On The Brilliance Of Blockchain Technology
When identified and managed correctly, knowing your Critical Data Elements offers huge benefits to your company’s security, efficiency, and success. Sollensium is the perfect solution to assist in archiving and recalling your mission-critical assets. Trusting your data will always be in a perfect and uncorrupted state allows you to fully focus on operating your business and living your life without worry.

*Learn more about “Data Protection Laws” by country in this comprehensive article from Bloomberg Law


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